Thursday, February 13, 2014

Uh-Oh: Stalling on Deceleration!

 Uh oh! I swapped out the included Zage BOV with a fresh GFB Deceptor Pro BOV! But during deceleration, the little monster sometimes stalls..!

What the heck is happening here?!

So I thought what could be the reasons for this? The BOV is there to vent off excess boost when the throttle is closed. It does this through the difference in manifold absolute pressure between the manifold and intake piping.

So maybe there's a vacuum leak that's making the engine too rich. So I checked and rechecked all vacuum hoses and charge pipes. Nothing.

It only happens during deceleration and it started happening when I changed the BOV, so it must be due to the BOV some how. During deceleration, the manifold pressure would be vacuum and the intake pipe may be charged with boost but will be venting out through the BOV. During deceleration, for the 1NZFE motor, the injectors shutoff but restart once RPMs reach a low threshold level....

Got it!

Its a lean condition!The engine is stalling because the BOV is still open when the injectors restart, meaning, metered air from the MAF as well as additional air from the open BOV is taken in by the motor but only fuel for the metered air is applied by the injectors. The lean condition prevented the engine from restarting!

Solution? Adjust the BOV! I tightened the GFB Deceptor Pro BOV spring and...

Booyaka! It worked.

So if you've installed a new BOV and suddenly get stalling issues, check that the spring settings!

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